Golden Tree Productions, the team that masterminded the Man Engine and Kerdroya: The Cornish Landscape Labyrinth, are inviting primary schools across Cornwall to Go Cornish! Commissioned by Cornwall Council, the Go Cornish for Primary Schools programme aims to give every child growing up in Cornwall the opportunity to learn somethingContinue Reading

Wishaah, impressive debut scorer over seven furlongs of Kempton polytrack three weeks ago, is set for a follow up, despite a 7lbs penalty, against previous winners in a Novice Stakes on Newcastle tapeta tonight; ‘Shadwell’ contract trainer Owen Burrows has found an excellent opportunity for this Oasis Dream gelding whichContinue Reading

Sharp Riposte ticks enough boxes to make it third time lucky in a 2-y-o Novice Stakes over six furlongs of Newcastle tapeta this afternoon; no ‘cert’ by any means but Marco Botti’s charge, again mount of Luke ‘workaholic’ Morris, certainly meets median requirement given his second effort on ‘soft’ HaydockContinue Reading

On Wednesday 23rd June a British warship entered into Russian territorial waters, 12 miles off Crimea, whether the disputed waters are Russian or not, it was the height of gross stupidity to send a British warship into a disputed warzone. The Russians say warning shots were fired at the ship.Continue Reading

Exmouth RNLI volunteer crew members launched yesterday to rescue two persons who had broken down on a jet ski on the River Exe. At 6:29pm yesterday Wednesday 23 June 2021 the Exmouth RNLI Inshore Lifeboat D-805 George Bearman II was tasked by H.M. Coastguard to a report of two individuals onContinue Reading