How political attack adverts can backfire

'What happened to Joe Biden?' A 2020 Trump campaign attack advert. Donald J Trump/YouTube A wave of political adverts is beginning to flood the American media as the November presidential election approaches. A major theme will be attack adverts in which one candidate will highlight the shortcomings of their opponent.Continue Reading

Hunger, lost income and increased anxiety: how coronavirus lockdowns put huge pressure on young people around the world

Watering plants in Ethioipa: how young lives have been affected by COVID-19. © Young Lives / Mulugeta Gebrekidan For many young people around the world, the economic effects of lockdown policies have been more significant than the health impacts of coronavirus. Young people are going hungry, facing widespread job lossesContinue Reading

Police legitimacy: how it can be regained once lost

Shutterstock/Alexander Oganezov There is a well-known phrase that describes a certain view of police officers. Often abbreviated in graffiti and on placards to “ACAB”, the words “all cops are bastards” have been widely adopted as a response to the way police forces operate. Whatever you think of the sentiment behindContinue Reading

The Conversation

Despite the exceptional circumstances of 2020, it is just like any other year in one way. Like clockwork, just as summer arrives, we are bombarded with stories of the “migrant invasion”. This year the pictures are of people crossing the channel in flimsy boats. Priti Patel, the UK’s home secretary,Continue Reading

School closures had positive effects on some teenagers' mental health, our new research suggests

Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock More young people in the UK are reporting mental health problems, and there are also apparent increases in self-harm – particularly among girls and young women. The coronavirus pandemic and resultant lockdown has further added to these worries. School closures across the UK have provided a uniqueContinue Reading

The Conversation

“He’s following the radical left agenda, take away your guns, destroy your second amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God … He’s against God,” President Donald Trump told supporters during a recent trip to Ohio. Trump was speaking about Joe Biden, the Democrat challenger for the WhiteContinue Reading

Mao's China falsely claimed it had eradicated schistosomiasis – and it's still celebrating that 'success' in propaganda today

China's campaign from the 1950s to eradicate schistosomiasis, or 'snail fever', has been lauded ever since. US National Library of Medicine In early April, with much of the world under lockdown, China was already celebrating its purported victory in keeping the new coronavirus under control. In an effort to boostContinue Reading

The Conversation

The debacle that saw tens of thousands of young school-leavers having their A-level results downgraded by an algorithm and missing out on their first choice university illustrates what can go wrong when ministers try to offload responsibility for important policy decisions on government agencies. It also puts into sharp focusContinue Reading