Burn out: the emotional toll of being a politician revealed

Anyone who’s ever worked in public service will understand the emotional toll it can take. In 1983, sociologist Arlie Hochshild coined the term “emotional labour” to capture this effect. She was talking about “the management of feeling to create a publicly observable facial and bodily display”. Emotional labour has beenContinue Reading

How secular Israeli millennials feel about Palestinians

View of Jaffa from Tel Aviv. Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash A socially elite group, young secular Jewish-Israelis were once the backbone of the peace movement, working against Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories in the West Bank and Gaza. But increasing numbers of millennial secular Jewish-Israelis, known asContinue Reading

The Conversation

The anger was evident in Andy Burnham’s voice as he declared that Greater Manchester would stand firm in the face of any UK government attempt to impose a “tier three” restriction on the northern English city-region without adequate financial compensation. The mayor and other local leaders were unanimous in opposingContinue Reading

US election: how voting works for Americans overseas

Around 3 million Americans who live abroad are eligible to vote. Ivan Marc/Shutterstock As early voting continues ahead of the US elections on November 3, many Americans are waiting in long lines to cast their ballots across the US. But for those Americans living abroad who want to vote, thereContinue Reading