Vaping increases risk of coronavirus – here's the science

Jenov Jenovallen/Shutterstock By now, we are all familiar with guidance on how to reduce your risk of contracting coronavirus: wash your hands, wear a mask, social distance. But here’s another important piece of advice: don’t vape. Smoking has been shown to be a risk factor for more severe forms ofContinue Reading

Grab a rope: seven reasons why skipping is so good for you

It's fun, affordable, portable and good for your health. VGstockstudio/ Shutterstock While many of us may remember skipping as something we did as children, the pastime has regained popularity during the pandemic as a way of keeping fit. Not only is jumping rope a fun, affordable and portable form ofContinue Reading

Five ways to support new parents returning to work during the pandemic

Evgeny Atamanenko/Shutterstock Returning to work after having a baby is highly taxing under normal circumstances, but it’s especially tough now. Returning parents currently face a triple whammy of readjusting to work, sorting out childcare and coping with pandemic-related restrictions that weren’t there when they went on leave. It’s a lotContinue Reading

India is key for global access to a COVID-19 vaccine – here's why

Shutterstock/ManoejPaateel The great COVID-19 vaccine race is on. Pharmaceutical companies around the world are going head to head, while governments scramble to get priority access to the most promising candidates. But a richest-takes-all approach in the fight against the deadliest pandemic in living memory is bound to be counter productive,Continue Reading

Potential new asthma treatment: protein linked to omega-3 fatty acids shows promise

Omega-3 fatty acids can limit inflammation by stimulating free fatty acid receptor 4. 1989studio/ Shutterstock Though asthma affects almost 340 million people worldwide, there is still no cure. The respiratory disease frequently develops in childhood, and can cause asthma “attacks” where the lungs become inflamed and the airways constricted, causingContinue Reading