Medical research is broken: here's how we can fix it

Darren Baker/Shutterstock Every year, around US$200 billion (£150 billion) is spent globally on health research. Meanwhile, millions of people volunteer their time to be participants in health studies. Despite all the resources that go into creating medical research, though, there is a glaring issue – almost all of that timeContinue Reading

Why sleep is so important for losing weight

Sleep is important for many aspects of our health. Stock-Asso/ Shutterstock When it comes to weight loss, diet and exercise are usually thought of as the two key factors that will achieve results. However, sleep is an often-neglected lifestyle factor that also plays an important role. The recommended sleep durationContinue Reading

Why low and alcohol free beers could be considered health drinks

Refreshing in the scientific-medical sense, not just the pints-after-work sense. Syda Productions/Shutterstock It is often said that weak beer was drunk in preference to dirty water in European towns during the middle ages. This fact is probably overstated, but the idea that beer was nutritionally important in the medieval periodContinue Reading