Doggy Doggy Yum Yum which was launched in 2020 by Dorset based artisanal ice cream maker Baboo Gelato has been recognised by their peers by making the finals of the prestigious PetQuip and Pet Industry Federation (PFI) Awards.  The brand made the finals of Product Innovation (Dog Treats) and BusinessContinue Reading

Dunleavy Vineyards are launching a crowdfunding campaign to buy a small field on the outskirts of the city of Bristol! Established by Bristol resident Ingrid Bates thirteen years ago, Dunleavy vineyards have become a success story in the Bristol and Somerset food and drink scene. Rather than focussing on ‘directContinue Reading

Exmouth RNLI will be hosting the biggest fireworks display in Exmouth this year! The life saving charity are pleased to announce their Fireworks Display 2021 at the Imperial Recreation Ground, Exmouth, EX8 1DG on the evening of Friday 5 November to raise funds for Exmouth RNLI. Bringing an opportunity forContinue Reading