The Nineties: cassette tapes, Cool Britannia and… European conflict. Yes, there’s a rupture running through our kitschy, nostalgic idea of this decade: the Yugoslav Wars, which have since largely faded from memory, cost the lives of over 140,000 people, according to the International Center for Transitional Justice. But a newContinue Reading

John le Carré, who died last December at the age of 89, did not really exist. His name was a “cover” for a former British Intelligence officer called David Cornwell, who monitored the trap-door disappearance of agents in Cold War Germany and ran agents in the shadow of the BerlinContinue Reading

A lan Ruck, best known at the moment for playing the damaged and overlooked eldest sibling Connor Roy in the savagely sharp and universally hyped TV show Succession, is sitting opposite me, cheerily miming pumping breast milk. He’s talking about the pre-Succession era, when he took a career break toContinue Reading