Liberian fishing communities stand up to Chinese supertrawlers · Global Voices

Granting fishing licenses to these massive trawlers will destroy livelihoods Liberian fishermen sit atop at local Kru canoe used for fishing. Courtesy of the Environmental Justice Foundation. The arrival of six Chinese supertrawlers in Monrovia, Liberia, last month has sparked outrage among the country’s small-scale canoe fishers. These supertrawlers areContinue Reading

Why nursery schools are a secret weapon in the fight against inequality State-funded nursery schools occupy a unique position in education. Serving children from two to four years old, they are disproportionately located in areas of deprivation – in 2015, 64% were in the 30% most deprived areas in England. They also support higher-than-average proportions of children with additional needs. OurContinue Reading

Students lead mass protest against dictatorship at Thailand’s Democracy Monument · Global Voices

Protesters gathered at the historic Democracy Monument. Photo from Prachatai. This article is from Prachatai, an independent news site in Thailand, edited and republished by Global Voices as part of a content-sharing agreement. The student group Free Youth Movement organized a public demonstration at the Democracy Monument on the eveningContinue Reading

Bacteria and viruses are travelling the world on highways in the sky

Jag_cz/Shuttestock Microbes are the truly dominant group of lifeforms. These invisible pieces of biogenic matter have been running Earth’s affairs for billions of years. Plants and animals popped up as the by-products of microbial mergers relatively recently in our planet’s history. Understanding microbes is not easy. It took us someContinue Reading