Confused about COVID? Here’s how to read a research paper

Rido/Shutterstock Scientific evidence can be difficult to understand. Normally we can rely on experts to interpret it for us, or the media to accurately report any interesting new discoveries, but the pandemic has challenged this. Almost daily we are faced with contradictory views claiming to be “based on the scientificContinue Reading

Lockdown has been hard on teenagers, but they have shown remarkable adaptation

GroovyPanda/Shutterstock The COVID-19 lockdown upturned the lives of teenagers at a time when they are usually becoming more independent and taking steps toward their future. Instead, they were confined to their homes, exams were cancelled, and their next steps looked suddenly less certain. Our research on the TELL Study –Continue Reading

The Conversation

The UK government has been accused of stoking fear of COVID-19 and using “scary” graphs to impose public restrictions to control the pandemic. There are many parallels between COVID-19 and cancer: both evoke fear, are viewed as indiscriminate killers, and have prompted large-scale public health responses. For any public healthContinue Reading