Green Party TD Neasa Hourigan to back Sinn Féin eviction ban motion

Green Party TD Neasa Hourigan has said she will vote against the Government and back a Sinn Féin motion to retain the eviction ban.

The Dublin Central TD has been critical of the ending of the ban, and will support the opposition’s motion in the Dáil.

Writing in the Sunday Independent, Deputy Hourigan said there are “hundreds of children” in her constituency who are homeless.

The Government has come under pressure and criticism after revealing the eviction moratorium will not be extended beyond March 31st.

“To achieve stable government all coalitions require compromise. As someone who has had to vote in many ways I have often thought were not sensible, or not in the best interests of my constituents, I’m more aware of this than most,” she wrote.



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“But coalition niceties don’t count for much on the ground in Dublin Central, when all around you families are facing a life on the street.”

If she loses the whip, the Government’s majority will be by one vote.

However, Independents who normally vote with the Government could see them see of Sinn Féin’s motion.

Labour leader Ivana Bacik has said that her party will table a no confidence motion in the Government on March 29th, two days before the eviction ba is due to be lifted.