Man arrested after New IRA claim over attempted murder of senior PSNI officer

A man has been arrested after a claim of responsibility by the New IRA for the shooting of senior detective John Caldwell.

The 25-year-old man was arrested under the Terrorism Act after the search of a property in the Derry area.

It comes after a typed message was posted on a wall in Derry purportedly from the New IRA and claiming responsibility for Mr Caldwell’s attempted murder.

Police have said the New IRA is the main line of inquiry in the investigation.

Detective Chief Inspector Caldwell remains critically ill in hospital after being shot several times at a sports complex in Omagh last month.


Police said the 25-year-old man will also be questioned around a hoax security alert last month close to the Brandywell stadium during a football match.

President Michael D Higgins and Northern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris had been attending the game between Derry City and Shamrock Rovers.

The man has been taken to Musgrave Serious Crime Suite in Belfast for questioning.