Duncan Ferguson buys Everton fans beer in local pubs ahead of Aston Villa clash

DUNCAN FERGUSON reportedly treated Everton supporters to a free pint ahead of his second stint as caretaker boss.

The legendary former Toffees striker, 50, has temporarily taken charge of his beloved club and takes on Aston Villa this lunchtime.


Duncan Ferguson got the round in for fans ahead of Everton’s clash with Aston VillaCredit: PA
Big Dunc put money behind the bar of several boozers close to Goodison Park


Big Dunc put money behind the bar of several boozers close to Goodison ParkCredit: Getty

And he has allegedly got the round in for supporters ahead of the clash after stepping-up and replacing the sacked Rafa Benitez in the dug-out with the Blues currently sitting 16th in the Premier League.

Big Dunc etched his name further into Everton folklore by putting money behind the bar of several pubs around Goodison Park and telling staff to inform fans head for a pre-match pint that their first was on him.

BT Sport claimed Ferguson called the pubs ahead of the game and a number that took advantage of the kind gesture in both The Brick and The Winslow Hotel took to social media to confirm it.

The Winslow Hotel even tweeted: “MASSIVE BIG Thanks to the legend that is Duncan Ferguson #BigDunc #everton for buying all our customers their first drink this morning. Amazing generous gesture, that’s a measure of the man.”

Ferguson’s previous caretaker spell began with a thrilling win over Chelsea in December 2019.

And he called for his Everton players to show that fight again when they take on Liverpool legend Steven Gerrard’s Villa.


He said beforehand: “They [Everton players] should give everything. They should run themselves into the ground.

“They should roll up their sleeves and fight for the club in every single game.

“Imagine if you asked a fan to put a shirt on and get on the pitch, what would they do? Well they need to do that.

“I have confidence in the players and the team and think they can win every game and that will be no different on Saturday.

“We have a lot of great players in there and they will step up, I am sure.”

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