Chywoone Hill/Newlyn Bridge Traffic Congestion & Pedestrian Safety Task & Finish Group Report

The T&F Group identified three areas to focus on:

1. Reducing the volume of through traffic

2. Reducing the number of large vehicles

3. Protecting pedestrians better

And two types of measures:

➢  Quick-fix, ultra low-cost solutions with no need for a Traffic Regulation Order, public consultation or infrastructure works

➢  Longer-term solutions that would need a Traffic Regulation Order, public consultation or infrastructure works, or further representations/consultations

These can be summarised as follows:

Quick fix:

➢ Remove Porthcurno as a destination from the signage at the bottom of Chywoone Hill

➢ Remove Newlyn as a destination from the signage at Sparnon (SW of St Buryan)

➢ Declassify the B3315 to a “C” road

➢ Install an “Unsuitable for HGVs” sign at the bottom of Chywoone Hill

➢ Use signage to promote alternative pedestrian routes from Chywoone Hill to Newlyn


➢ Liaise with bus operators to reinstate “Hoppa” type buses in place of double-deckers

➢ Widen or install pavements at danger points for pedestrians on Chywoone Hill

➢ Install buildouts at either end of parking-permitted areas with signs indicating priority

➢ Install safe pedestrian crossing points around Newlyn Bridge and by the Trinity Centre

➢ Widen and raise the pavement on New Road opposite Jelberts ice cream parlour

The following pages give more detail on these suggestions. The Group also discussed the possibility of creating a car park on Cornwall Council owned land in Newlyn Coombe with a pedestrian route into the centre. However, as this would require major infrastructure work, it falls outside the remit of the Group which was “to consider simple, easily-deliverable measures”.