What If You Don’t Marry Within 6 Months?

UK fiancé visa holders who fail to marry within 90 days may have to return home to reapply. If you have a good reason for not marrying, you may request for a visa extension.

The UK Fiance Visa

Foreigners may marry British citizens or settled people using the Fiance visa.

Once the marriage or civil partnership is completed within six months of entrance clearance to the UK, the Fiance Visa ends.

The Fiance Visa holder may apply for a UK spouse visa and Indefinite Leave to Remain after marriage.

What if you don’t marry in six months?

If your marriage or civil partnership did not occur within six months, you may apply for an in-country extension under UK immigration rules. The extension will be granted if there are genuine or extraordinary reasons for not marrying.

You may request a six-month extension by providing proof that your marriage has been restructured to your UK partner. You must also fulfill the initial conditions for a UK fiance visa and request for an extension before it expires.

To prevent rejection or delays, consult an immigration lawyer before filing for a UK fiance visa renewal.

Applying for Entry Clearance

If you fail to marry within six months and are unable to apply for or have been denied an extension to the UK fiance visa, you may return home and reapply.

You must explain why you did not get married in the UK and prove that you still want to marry in addition to completing all the conditions for the UK fiancé visa.

Immigration authorities will want substantial proof of a real connection.

UK Fiance Visa Eligibility

To get a UK Fiance Visa or proposed civil partner visa, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You and your companion must be 18+.
  • Your fiance must be a UK citizen or established.
  • A UK Fiance Visa application requires that you and your spouse have met in person at least once.
  • Marriage must be planned within six months.
  • To live together permanently after marriage or civil partnership, both parties must prove they can support themselves and their dependents without public money.
  • The maintenance requirement requires your spouse to earn at least £18,600 per year to sponsor you.
  • You and any family member must have enough housing.
  • You must pass an authorized English language exam or show a certified certificate to verify your written and spoken English.

What If My Fiance Extension Application Is Rejected?

If you cannot prove that you are in a serious relationship or meet all qualifying requirements, your extension application may be delayed or denied.

Attorneys can assist you appeal the UKVI’s decision. They may also defend you at the tribunal hearing and work with the authorities to resolve your matter. QC Immigration can also assist in obtaining various types of visas in the UK, including the Youth Mobility Scheme visa.

Meeting the ‘Genuine Relationship’ Test

Applying for a UK Fiance Visa or extension requires proof of a ‘genuine connection’—a long-term, committed commitment that will lead to a successful marriage.

UK immigration regulations need a “genuine and subsisting” connection, which may be verified with a variety of documentation.

Verifying your relationship with documents

These papers will show the nature of your connection and how you met.

Documents for your UK Fiance Visa application include:

  • Bank statements showing a combined account or savings.
  • Joint tenancy or mortgage
  • Texts or social media talks with your partner
  • Gifts or monetary savings exchanged
  • If you have children together, bring birth certificates.
  • If you lack supporting proof, your application will likely be denied, but you should not lie to improve your case.

Want assistance applying for British citizenship? QC Immigration attorneys can help.