Waiting times at Dublin Airport improving, says DAA

The operator of Dublin Airport has said waiting times have improved at security in recent days.

The DAA said there were delays of up to 40 minutes on Saturday morning, down significantly compared to last weekend.

Passengers in recent days reported waits of up to two hours, with some people missing their flights due to the delays.

The DAA said workers from Cork Airport have been redeployed to assist in Dublin, however, the group said more staff will be needed to address the matter.

On Friday, Ryanair chief executive Michael O’Leary called for the Army to be brought in to ease delays at Dublin Airport.

Mr O’Leary’s comments came after Siptu’s aviation sector organiser Niall Phillips said it would take at least six weeks for new recruits to pass the necessary examinations and be available to work.


“The crux of the issue here is the number of security staff that we have. We are running 300 (employees) below where we need to be,” DAA spokesperson Graham McQueen said.

Echoing Mr Phillips’ remarks, Mr McQueen told Newstalk: “We are going through a rapid recruitment process at the moment to fill those roles as quickly as we can.

“The problem is these are skilled jobs – the staff need to be trained. It takes around 5-6 weeks to train them, so there’s a bit of a lag getting those people into the workforce.”