Community praised by local councillors after traffic safety work start

Efford and Lipson’s three Labour Councillors have campaigned alongside the local community to persuade the City Council to restart work on traffic calming measures on Old Laira Road.

Work on the scheme to install a 20mph speed camera – the city’s first enforceable 20mph limit – and a new pedestrian crossing has now begun. It follows a campaign lasting nearly five years where local councillors worked with residents to secure the upgrades.

Under the city’s previous Labour council, the scheme was given the go-ahead, but progress stalled under the current Conservative Council Leadership. The scheme is finally moving again after interventions from Efford & Lipson’s Labour Councillors and Luke Pollard MP.

Laira is a residential area, and with three local schools it means there’s a large number of schoolchildren crossing what is a major commuter road into the city centre.

For years, the significant amount of fast-moving traffic joining Old Laira Road from Plymouth Road has meant the area has become an accident hot spot for pedestrians & motorists alike.

Plymouth Sutton and Devonport MP Luke Pollard said:

Labour has been campaigning alongside local residents for improved road safety in Laira for many years. Our proposals for a new pedestrian crossing and an enforceable 20mph speed limit along the Laira Narrows has been on the table for over a year and it is great news our combined efforts have forced the council to deliver this paused scheme. 

Councillor Neil Hendy, who represents Efford and Lipson ward said:

After campaigning for several years to get a traffic safety scheme for our residents, these safety measures are a real win for them. The new crossing will save lives and keep residents safe. Speeding traffic is bad for pedestrians, cyclists and causes too many accidents so it is bad for drivers too.”