‘I’m not proud of my behaviour’ – Oisin Murphy to face charges over failed breath tests and Covid breach

CHAMPION jockey Oisin Murphy has admitted ‘I’m not proud of my behaviour’ ahead of charges into his failed breath tests and Covid breach.

The reigning Flat rider says there is no chance he will defend his title this year because he won’t return to racing in time.


Murphy faces a hearing into his actions with the BHA on TuesdayCredit: PA

Murphy, 26, handed in his licence last December so he could receive ‘medical support’.

The British Horseracing Authority announced a hearing into the charges will take place on Tuesday.

Murphy twice failed breathalyser tests at racecourses in 2021 and was involved in a fracas in a Newmarket pub.

The Irish jockey, who has won races around the world, is also said to have failed to quarantine when returning from abroad in September 2020.

Another thing the panel will consider is if Murphy acted ‘in a manner which is prejudicial to the proper integrity, conduct and good reputation’ of racing.

Murphy last month spoke about what the future holds on The Midas Touches podcast.

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He said he has tried ‘not to get too bored’ during his break and pledged to come back a better man.

Asked about winning a fourth Champion Jockey title in 2022, Murphy said: “Maybe not this year because it’s unlikely I’ll be back in time.

“I need to focus on doing the right thing and rebuilding all the contacts that I made unsteady over the last few seasons.

“I try to be in good humour and be polite, but obviously there are times I’m not proud of my mood and behaviour.

“I think the next year I need to just focus on riding good horses and making people happy.

“Hopefully in the years after that I can go for another championship.

“I don’t want people to think, ‘oh he doesn’t drink, he’s calmed down, he’s not socialising as much, he’s not as good as he was or clinical at making decisions’.

“These are fears I have and I would definitely like to put that right in the coming years.”

In a statement in December, Murphy said: “On returning from abroad last September in 2020 I failed to follow the Covid protocol set out by the BHA.

“In breaking these rules, and attempting to mislead the BHA, I’ve let my governing body down, along with trainers, owners, staff, sponsors and family for which I wish to apologise.

“In addition to this there have been two racecourse incidents linked to alcohol during 2021.

“It became obvious to me and to everyone else that I needed to seek serious help.

“In recognition of this I have relinquished my licence and will now focus on my rehabilitation.”

Murphy says he won't return in time to defend his Champion Jockey title in 2022


Murphy says he won’t return in time to defend his Champion Jockey title in 2022Credit: Rex