Lot’s to celebrate, ‘let’s do this!’

Notlongtillmay (15/8) and Hardy Fella (7/4) completed a juicy double-double at the weekend and it’s amazing how much they add up in trixies which are primarily about doubles and one of the most popular outlets for serious punters; only Kissinthebckrow (4/1) would have ‘qualified’ for the level stake system one uses and I’ll give you a tip as to how it’s possible to work it to colossal advantage.

As mentioned my lowest price is 3/1, never less; if you’re of a mind to try this systematic approach limit yourself to twenty bets which should carry you through several months, if you follow my selections rigidly. Start with a bank, mine will be £200.

If you can imagine having a level stakes of £10 on Kissinthebackrow at the aforementioned odds you would win £40. The next bet, if indeed you kick-off’ with a ‘tenner’, would be plus a twentieth of the winnings which, in this case, would be £2. Your stake would therefore be £12.

Only increase by a twentieth after a winner; NEVER decrease the amount and so it would remain £12 until the next success, and so on.

A simple, exciting way of punting very seriously but beware it could spiral very quickly and you might not have the courage (bottle!) to continue if (and when!) we have a consistent run of winners, 3/1 or better; all bets are there for you to see on a daily basis, not just nap selections, and in the knowledge thousands of readers/punters are playing my column advices I’ll refrain from tipping speculative fancies. You could be entering one of the most exciting periods of your betting life.

I’ll be playing alongside you and special mention will be made, for guidance.

Don’t forget this is not a system, it is indeed a systematic business-like phenomenon to backing horses; think like bookmakers, and beat them at their own game!

‘Gambling responsibly’ is a dreadful present day misnomer which major bookmaking professions are using because the Government is attempting to be seen clamping down on serious debt accumulated from betting; mine is to consider wagering an ‘investment’ which has carried me through several decades, paying for houses, cars on the way.

Hope you can enjoy a success during a wonderful time of year for reliable form.

It’s an especially good day for starting in this household; my long-time partner Sandra celebrates her EIGHTIETH BIRTHDAY!

We met through horse-racing thirty-nine years ago when she began working for the English Tote as a supervisor and so we’ve been together almost half our lives; talk about ‘time flies’ it seems like only yesterday the moment our paths crossed at Yarmouth racecourse.

Racing and sport generally, especially football, have been the common denominators with 50″ inch screens streaming them into our lounge; she could have done better but is still smiling!

Selections, Ffos Las, 1.20 Ucanaver (e.w);  Newcastle, 2.30 Peaceful Sunday; Wolverhampton, 5.20 Sen Ding.    

 Jeffrey Ross, horse-racing correspondent for WMN since 1983 when winning the most prestigious racing journalist award, Sporting Life Naps Table, before winning it a record number of six times collectively in the Racing Post, the current ‘trade’ paper, including 2019