Skipton building society supports Plymouth Foodbank as part of a £27,000 aid package

Plymouth Foodbank has been given a welcome £250 cash boost from their local Skipton Building Society branch.

The donation is part of a £27,000 aid scheme by Skipton to help foodbanks across the country as they tackle the ever increasing need for help in feeding the hungry and those living in extreme poverty.

The 2,000-plus foodbanks across the UK which support people who cannot afford the essentials in life provide a vital support network through local communities coming together to help those who need it most.

The money donated by Skipton’s Plymouth branch will go towards daily essentials and cupboard staples such as shower gel, toothpaste, nappies, deodrant, washing up liquid, long life milk and tins of food.

Cindy Saunders manager at Skipton’s Plymouth branch, said: “We’re delighted to support the fantastic work being carried out by Plymouth Foodbank and hope that Skipton’s donation will help the local community.”

“The food poverty rate in the UK is among the highest in Europe, with millions struggling to access the food they need every single day. With the rate ever increasing, foodbanks need help now more than ever.”

People can donate goods to the foodbank at various local supermarkets dotted around the city, website for more information on Plymouth Foodbank