Respond to a statement from the Home Office

Responding to a statement from the Home Office on gun licenses in relation to the Keyham Shooting, which revealed that 14% of applicants who were refused a gun had their licence returned, Luke Pollard MP said:

“People in Keyham want answers as to why the killer had his firearm returned to him. I am hoping that the Police Watchdog’s investigation will provide some of these answers in due course.

“The new figures from the Home Office today show that returning a firearm in the Keyham incident was far from being an isolated example. We now know that 14% of applications who are refused a gun certificate later have their gun returned.

“It is clear to me that the current gun laws need fundamental reform. These figures reinforce my concern that guns are being returned across the country, where the Police had initial cause to refuse or confiscate them.

“People in Keyham want to ensure that no other community ever goes through what we have, and that means tightening the law on firearms.”