Millions to get Covid booster jabs EARLY as Govt relaxes rules to protect most vulnerable ahead of winter

MILLIONS more Brits could get their booster jabs earlier as ministers relaxed the rules around who can get them.

It comes as the NHS announced it had smashed through seven million booster jabs – a huge win for our Give Britain a Booster campaign – with 1.5million more invites going out next week.

Our Give Britain a Booster campaign is urging all those eligible to come forward and get their booster shots

Health bosses will give the green light for more older and vulnerable people to get their top-up jabs – even if it has not yet been six months since their last dose.

GPs and health professionals will be able to dish them out to anyone over the five month mark if they decide it makes operational sense.

It will allow care home residents who have been jabbed at different times to get their top-up dose in the same session.

The news will mean jabs for millions waiting eagerly for their third dose will be able to get an extra boost of protection from Covid, just as the weather gets colder.

Health Sec Sajid Javid said: “This updated guidance will ensure healthcare professionals have the necessary flexibility in the booster programme, allowing more vulnerable people to be vaccinated where it makes operational sense to do so – including our loved ones in care homes.”

The PM added: “Vaccine protection falls over time, and the booster will top up your immunity for the winter months.

“Please come forward to get the jab when it’s your turn.”

Those eligible for a booster include all over-50s, people with underlying health conditions, health workers, care home residents and those who live with immunosuppressed individuals.

Covid infection rates continued to plunge yesterday, with 43,467 new cases reported – nearly 6,000 fewer than last Friday.

The seven-day average was down by an astonishing 12.7 per cent, equivalent to 42,185 fewer cases in a week.

It is more evidence that the “winter wave” has already peaked, as experts had predicted – raising hopes Christmas will not be blighted by another lockdown.

Deaths, which always lag behind the infection rate, were slightly up yesterday to 186 – just six more than a week ago.

Hospital admissions remained flat at 1,038 – drastically less than the 40,000 seen last winter.

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