Craft a woolly flag to celebrate 10 year of the Woolly weekend for the a chance to win £50 to spend on woolly products at the Woolly Weekend.
Ten years ago the first Woolly Weekend was held, bringing stallholders into the old house at Kelly to share their love of the woolly world with a public in need of some warmth. In the process Sophia Kelly – founder and organiser of the Woolly Weekend – started a project which is now firmly rooted in Westcountry wool-lovers’ diaries and has so far raised over £7000 for amazing local charity Children’s Hospice South West.

The Woolly Weekend is a collection of southwest woolly producers with a passion for their craft, including weaver, knitter, dyers and milliners. All the products on sale have been lovingly handcrafted by a Devon or Cornwall producer, whether it is caring for rare breed sheep, naturally dying yarn or lovingly creating wool hats. It is a perfect place to pick up a warm woolly gift for your loved ones or something for your own home or to keep you warm through those winter months, and keep you busy with supplies for your next woolly project.
This year – after a Covid19 Break in 2020 – the weekend returns to the old family home, and the Kelly family are repeating the challenge they first issued over 10 years ago. Knitters and crafters are encouraged to earn part of their tickets, and possibly a lot more, by making their own woolly bunting flag to be added to the creation from the original challenge. Anyone submitting an A4 size knitted or crafted wool bunting flag will get half-price entry to this year’s show, and the best one will win a £50 voucher to be spent at the event.
For entries email address to Knitted Bunting, Kelly House, Kelly, Lifton, Devon PL16 0HH by Friday 1st October for display as bunting in Kelly House at the Woolly Weekend on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th October.