National Traineeship Takeover for unemployed 19-24 year olds

In July 2020 the Chancellor announced a significant expansion of Traineeships as part of his Summer Economic Update.  The Plan for Jobs included a commitment to provide 20,000 new Traineeships to get young people aged 16 to 24 in England into work: the age group most impacted by the effects of lockdown and the pandemic.

Whitehead-Ross Education is one of the organisations involved in delivering the Traineeships programme and is supporting young people aged 19 -24 back into work in their centre in Looe, Cornwall and across the UK. Young people, who are unsure of what to do next can sign up to this 18-week programme and access:

  • 70-hour flexible, voluntary work placement to gain experience.
  • Functional Skills Maths & English if they did not achieve GCSE English and Maths.
  • Level 1 Award in Employability Skills.
  • Dedicated tutor and staff for support and guidance.
  • Opportunity to participate in a 2 week work placement in Malaga, Spain, with flights and accommodation funded through Erasmus+/Turing Scheme.

On Tuesday 14th September, the Traineeship team will be delivering a ‘National Traineeship Takeover’ event which will include a mix of online activity, a social media  presence and the opportunity to drop into the centres to meet staff and Trainees to find out more and enjoy refeshments.

Jo Thomson, Engagement Manager for Whitehead-Ross said:

“Traineeships are free to access and flexible to suit individuals. They are particularly suited to young people who are not ready to commit to a KickStart, Apprenticeship or employed position.  By giving a lot of additional support and guidance, we are seeing great success from our young people and enjoying seeing them progress and flourish. We are excited about our Traineeship Takeover event and look forward to helping many more young people.”

For further information about Traineeships, other opportunities with us for young people in Cornwall, or the Traineeship event details, please call Laura or Mary on 01503770752, text 07918787231  or e-mail [email protected] or drop into our Looe office at Lisandra House, Fore Street Looe.