Presentation of Certificates for Soup-run

The Lions Club of Plymouth have been active members of the regular Soup – runs for the homeless of Plymouth over a good number of years. The club has been supported by regular helpers who prepare the soup, sandwiches, baps and food parcels at Emmanuel Church Hall in Mannamead and then distribute to various strategic points throughout the city.

The club are deeply indebted to these helpers and for this reason, the club president Jeff Horgan presented Certificates of Appreciation to three ladies, Tina Lloyd, Zoe Bond and Janet Marks for their continued support.

During the recent soup-run, the ladies regularly involved were assisted by Lion members and friends.

L to R — Tina Lloyd, Zoe Bond, Janet Marks, Lion President Jeff Horgan, Thomas Pearce, Lion Jill Owen and Annabel Bryce.

Lions Club of Plymouth have set up a rota of their members to collect unwanted foodstuff, pasties, pastries, baguettes, baps, cakes and alike from a number of local bakeries within Plympton and Plymstock on a daily basis and transport to the Homeless Hostel in Millbay, Plymouth.

The club are very appreciative of the good will of the bakeries, namely Rowe’s, Oggy Oggy and the St Maurice Bakery in supporting this initiative of providing an essential need to the local homeless community.