Campaign to oppose phone mast success

An application for a 18 metre mobile phone mast in Peverell has been defeated, in a win for local MP Luke Pollard and Peverell Councillor Jeremy Goslin.

The mast was planned to be built at the junction of Long Rowden and Home Park Avenue in Peverell. At 18 metres high, it would be four times the height of local residences.

After hearing complaints and hosting a Zoom meeting with local residents, Mr Pollard and Mr Goslin campaigned against the mast being given planning approval by Plymouth City Council. Mr Pollard wrote a letter to the council to object to the plans.

Plymouth Sutton and Devonport MP, Luke Pollard said:

“This is the second mobile phone mast that local councillors and I have opposed recently in Plymouth”

“Mobile network operators need to stop and listen to residents before putting up new masts.

“We all want good mobile coverage but new masts should only happen if they’re in the right location after local communities are fully consulted and they have to get something in return – such as Electric Vehicle charging points at the base of these towers.

“If companies continue to ignore residents, they should expect me to continue to campaign against their plans.”

Peverell Labour Councillor Jeremy Goslin said:

“Residents were rightfully angry at plans for an 18 metre mast in the heart of Peverell, but we have now seen that strong community action can stop decisions we know are wrong for our neighbourhood. Many thanks to all those who opposed the mast, helping to protect Peverell from insensitive development.”

In rejecting the planning application, the City Council said, 

“The proposed development would have an unacceptable and harmful impact… which would fail to safeguard their health including their mental health and immunity.”

The City Council’s rejection letter to the applicant goes on to say:

“By virtue of the masts extreme height and location in a high density, mainly residential environment, it would be out of keeping with the scale of development in the area and would appear intrusive and incongruous, particularly when seen against the skyline, causing unacceptable harm to the character of the area.”

In April 2021, Luke had opposed a 20m high mobile phone mast in Morice Town working with local Devonport Councillors. This mast was rejected by councillors at Planning Committee. The Peverell mast was called into the Planning Committee by Peverell Labour Councillor Sarah Allen. The application was refused by officers ahead of the next planning committee. The vast majority of planning decisions are decided before the application reaches planning committee.