Irfan Pathan, former India all-rounder, is celebrating his 36th birthday on Tuesday and wishes poured in from the cricket fraternity and fans from around the world. Veteran cricketer Suresh Raina led the wishes, taking to Twitter and posting a photo of their playing days. In the photo, Pathan can be seen with the likes of Raina and MS Dhoni. The photo has been captioned as, “Cheers to you my friend! Happy birthday @IrfanPathan and may all your wishes come true! See you soon bhai jaan #HappyBirthdayIrfanPathan”.
Cheers to you my friend! Happy birthday @IrfanPathan and may all your wishes come true! See you soon bhai jaan #HappyBirthdayIrfanPathan
— Suresh Raina?? (@ImRaina) October 27, 2020
Former India opener Gautam Gambhir wrote, “Birthday greetings to the wonderful @IrfanPathan! May you keep bowling us over with your beautiful smile & wish you a great year ahead!”
Birthday greetings to the wonderful @IrfanPathan! May you keep bowling us over with your beautiful smile & wish you a great year ahead!
— Gautam Gambhir (@GautamGambhir) October 27, 2020
Meanwhile, Indian writer Zeishan Quadri from Gangs of Wasseypur fame, wrote, “Happy Birthday King of Swing @IrfanPathan May you have the absolute best in health, happiness and success this year and in all the years ahead.”
Happy Birthday King of Swing @IrfanPathan
May you have the absolute best in health, happiness and success this year and in all the years ahead.— Syed Zeeshan Quadri (@zeishan_quadri) October 27, 2020
Here is what others had to say:
Three best moments of for me.Test 100, Hattrick and MoM in WC Final Happy Birthday!! @IrfanPathan @StarSportsIndia
— Diptiman Yadav (@diptiman_6450) October 26, 2020
Happy b’day irfan pathan sir wishes from #chiyaanvikram fans. #HappyBirthdayIrfanPathan
— Mohammed Tharik (@Mohamme83456596) October 27, 2020
Irfan represented India in all three formats and was an all-rounder. He was part of the winning India team at the 2007 T20 World Cup and 2013 ICC Champions Trophy. In the final of the T20 World Cup, he grabbed three wickets vs Pakistan.
He retired from all forms of cricket in January 2020. Currently, he is the mentor of the Jammu and Kashmir cricket team.