MLM: unexpected remedy for depression in the pandemic

According to the National Statistics Service, every fifth British resident experienced symptoms of depression during COVID-19. This figure is twice as high as the statistics of 2019, which is an alarming signal of the mental health state in the UK. Particularly troubling are the statistics among young people between the ages of 16 and 39, as 29% of them admitted experiencing depression, although previously, it was hardly 11%.

Our special reporter Eva Levy conducted a series of meetings with spokespersons of special medical institutions in London that help Brits cope with depression.

“I was impressed by the integrity and optimism of British medical professionals who are working, despite the disastrous effects of COVID-19, to find a way to fight against the virus and to help Brits cope with the aftereffects, particularly the depression. Yet the most remarkable insight after meeting medical professionals is MLM.”

We assigned Eva Levy the task to do conduct research that relates to depression. She has been residing in Britain only for a month, which contributes to her fresh and unbiased perspective.

“It struck me that one of the most unconventional but popular ways of treating depression has become MLM. More precisely, it is one of the ways that Brits, i.e. patients, have learned for themselves.”

Such findings are unusual only at first glance. Under restrictions of the quarantine and planet-scale constraints, an opportunity to develop social connections is invaluable.

“One can imagine any MLM system as a quest, the result of which is new connections. MLM becomes a game that engages and distracts from those fears that have settled in people’s heads. What’s interesting is that according to medical professionals, patients frequently mention the Coral Club, which is not a typical system in the British MLM market.”

We hadn’t heard about the brand “Coral Club” before Eva Levy’s story; therefore, we had to spend some time learning what is unique about this particular MLM project and the reason why many British seriously consider Coral Club as a cure for depression in the pandemic.

“At first sight, the Coral Club is a typical structure that practices MLM as a marketing model. Besides, this brand is very familiar to me because many people know and use Coral Club products in my motherland, Bulgaria.”

The probable reason for the Brits active response to the Coral Club is the product itself, besides the MLM method in the form of quest and effective social networking. Apparently, the idea of “living water,” enhanced nutrition, household ecology, and supplements have become essential for many during the pandemic. When medicine seeks a solution, people start taking control over their lives and study alternatives.

The Western Morning News editorial office does not propagate self-treatment against COVID-19 by any means. According to medical professionals, we note that MLM systems are becoming an effective cure for many in recovering from aftereffects of the virus, particularly depression.